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ResourcesExploring domestic dog admixture and biogeography in the Australian dingo

Summary: Despite widespread interest in the identity of dingoes across the Australian landscape there has been limited research into the presence of geographic variation with high-density genomic technologies. New genomic techniques can also be used build knowledge about the occurrence and extent of domestic dog admixture in dingoes. Dingo x domestic dog hybridisation and admixture is believed to be one of the most serious threats to the long-term conservation of dingoes. A majority of samples contributed to the research project are from opportunistic collection of samples by citizens, trappers, landholders, and conservation organisations from deceased free-ranging dingoes. This project will inform conservation goals at both a continent and regional scale. The project commenced in 2018 and is expected to continue until at least 2023.

Researchers involved: Kylie Cairns, Mike Letnic, Mathew Crowther

Links to project:

Photo credit: Michelle J Photography, Cooma, Australia.