Ecological roles of dingoes in Australian landscapes
Genetic health and status of K’gari wongari (Fraser Island dingoes)
Exploring domestic dog admixture and biogeography in the Australian dingo
Searching for the New Guinea dingo in Papua New Guinea
Conservation and management of dingoes on K’gari (Fraser Island)
Dingo ethological and comparative studies: Examining dingo biology and behaviour
Exploring human-dingo conflict and non-lethal approaches to dingo management
Ecology and Conservation of the Cascade Red Fox
Ecology and conservation of the maned wolf in northeastern Argentina
Camera trapping as a method to estimate population abundance of mammals in temperate grasslands of northern Uruguay: density calculation models applied to carnivore species
Coastal Wolf Ecology
Pathways of resource utilization and disease transmission among domestic and wild canids in human-dominated landscapes
Iberian Wolf Portuguese National Census
Wind Farms & Iberian Wolf
Coyote - Coyote Friendly Communities
Project Coyote - Ranching with Wildlife
Camera trap wildlife monitoring in and around Madidi National Park, Bolivia
Population ecology of foxes in Mirador State Park, Brazil
Short-eared dog Ecology and Conservation
Investigation of neotropical helminthiasis and other parasites in the biotope of wild animals of the Misionera Forest, as potential foci of zoonoses
Effect of climate change on carnivores in the Amazon
The Wood River Wolf Project, Idaho USA
Himalayan Wolves Project
Parental care, den attendance and pup behavior in Pampas foxes (Pseudalopex gymnocercus) in rural areas of the Argentine Pampas
Integrated transboundary research into Lycaon pictus in Zimbabwe
Reintroduction and recovery of endangered red wolves
Wolf-deer research in the Superior National Forest of Minnesota
Coyote (Canis latrans) diets: a meta-analysis
Context dependent landscapes of fear with the grey wolf
Conserving the endangered African wild dog in the Zimbabwean part of the Greater Limpopo TFCA
Impact of pampas foxes (Pseudalopex gymnocercus) on livestock in the Argentine Espinal: evaluation of conflict mitigation measures
Habitat use of the culpeo (Pseudalopex culpaeus) in the high Andes of Argentina
Canid conservation in the Gobi-Steppe ecosystem of Mongolia
The ecology of dingoes in the forests of Australia Project
Climate change and the decline of an alpine-adapted carnivore—the Sierra Nevada red fox (Vulpes vulpes necator): upward range shifts by competitors or changing prey communities?
Testing habitat models for the endemic Sacramento Valley red fox (Vulpes vulpes patwin)
Ecology of native montane red foxes (Vulpes vulpes ssp.) of the southern Cascades and Great Basin Mountain Ranges
Golden and silver-backed jackal research program (Canis aureus, Canis mesomelas): social organization, behavioural ecology, population genetics and disease
Using citizen science to better understand Yellowstone’s wolves
Minimum land and prey requirements of dholes in Cambodia
Proyecto Zorro Pitoco: Using noninvasive techniques to provide novel insights for the bush dogs and co-existing biodiversity in Misiones, Argentina
Programa de conservação mamíferos do cerrado
Use of play signals, attention-getting behaviour and the effect of play initiation on the course of play in dholes
Using sterilized placeholders to deter interbreeding between red wolves and coyotes
Population viability analysis and demographic models of endangered red wolves
Inbreeding, variation at immune genes, and disease susceptibility in endangered red wolves
Attitudes of local people towards the conservation of the maned wolf aiming for an environmental education plan for Mogi-Guaçu
Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme