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Canid Biology & Conservation

Previous Issues

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Volume 28
28.1 First camera trap record of dholes in Banke National Park, Nepal
by Shyam K. Shah, Rabin Kadariya, Ajay Karki, Hem R. Acharya, Naresh Subedi, Kanchan Thapa, Bhagwan R. Dahal, Umesh Paudel and Rabin Bahadur
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Volume 27
27.6 Rediscovering dholes in the Deccan Plateau, southern India
by Gubbi, S., Prabhu, K., Komarla, J., Suthar, S.
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27.5 Observations on Indian wolves near the sea coast in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
by Dhawal B. Mehta, R. Dhanpal, Yadvendrasinh M. Jadeja, Pratik N. Joshi, Daksha H. Sorathiya, Rajan D. Jadav, Darshit K. Mesariya
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27.3 New records of threatened canids in southwestern Atlantic Forest, Brazil
by Vania Foster, Carlos R. Brocardo, Rogério C. de Paula, Aline Kotz, Thiago Reginato, Jessica Dias, Ivan Baptiston, Marcelo Magioli, Yara Barros
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27.2 The day of the jackal was over: the first golden jackal collected in Finland
by Suvi Viranta, Henry Pihlström, Laura Kvist, Jenni Harmoinen and Jouni Aspi
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27.1 Jackals in the world’s highest elevation: a new record of a golden jackal in the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh, India
by Niazul Hassan Khan, Vishnuvardhan, Pankaj Raina, Raza Ali Abidi, Bivash Pandav and Yadvendradev V. Jhala
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Volume 26
26.1 Assessment of human-canid conflict and suggested mitigation strategies in the central High Atlas Mountains, Morocco
by Abderrazak El Alami, Abderrazzak Fattah, Rachid El Alami, Insaf El Alami, Khadija Atif and Abderrahmane Chait
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Volume 25
Volume 24
24.4 First photographic record of Indian wolf in Rajaji Tiger Reserve, Uttarakhand, North India
by Anubhuti Krishna, Samrat Mondol and Salvador Lyngdoh
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24.3 Accuracy of aging kit foxes using cementum annuli analysis
by Brian L. Cypher, Jerry H. Scrivner and Gregory D. Warrick
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24.2 Synthesis: Status and conservation of dholes in Indonesia
by Linnea Worsøe Havmøller, Rasmus Worsøe Havmøller, Ventie Angelia Nawangsari, Arif Pratiwi, Peter R. Møller and Carl Træholt
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24.1 New distribution record of dhole from southern Kyrgyzstan using non-invasive genetic sampling
by Imogene A. Cancellare, Shannon M. Kachel, Zairbek Kubanychbekov, Rahim Kulenbekov, Kristine L. Pilgrim, Kyle P. McCarthy and Byron V. Weckworth
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Volume 23
23.5 The comeback of wolves in mid-western Anatolia
by Safak Arslan, Adem Akyol and Deniz Mengulluoglu
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23.4 First record of mixed species association between dholes and a wolf from Satpura Tiger Reserve, India
by Pallavi Ghaskadbi, Jesan Das, Vineith Mahadev and Bilal Habib
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23.2 Distribution update: Recent records of Indian wolves from Bharuch and Surat districts, Gujarat, India
by Krunal Trivedi, Pratik Parmar and Chinmaysinh Solanki
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23.1 Distribution update: First photographic record of Indian wolf in Valmiki Tiger Reserve, Bihar, India
by Kamlesh K. Maurya, Shariq Shafi, Ambarish Mall, Gaurav Ojha and Hem Kant Roy
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Volume 22
22.6 The lone wolf: new distribution update of the Indian grey wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) in southern India
by Sanjay Gubbi, S. Ramesh, Amrita M. Menon, M.N. Girish and H.C. Poornesha
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22.5 New records for the Pampas fox in the Atlantic Forest
by Carlos R. Brocardo, Vanilce Pereira, Hamilton Mendes and Luís Eduardo da S. Delgado
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22.4 New distribution record of dhole from northern Western Ghats, India
by Anish Pardeshi, Rohan V. Joglekar and Sunil Limaye
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22.3 First camera trap record of bush dogs in the Paraguayan Upper Paraná Atlantic Forest
by Silvia Saldívar Bellassai, Víctor Martínez, Diego Guerrero, Walter Groehn, César Mendoza, Anthony J. Giordano and Tremaine Gregory
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22.1 The grey wolf in Iraq: notes on its current distribution, major threats and conservation status
by Omar F. Al-Sheikhly, Mukhtar K. Haba, Laith A. Al-Obeidi and Husham K. Abdulzahra
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Volume 21
21.4 Old World Canis spp. with taxonomic ambiguity: Workshop conclusions and recommendations Vairão, Portugal, 28th - 30th May 2019.
by Francisco Alvares, Wieslaw Bogdanowicz, Liz A.D. Campbell, Rachel Godinho, Jennifer Hatlauf, Yadvendradev V. Jhala, Andrew C. Kitchener, Klaus-Peter Koepfli, Miha Krofel, Helen Senn, Claudio Sillero-Zubiri, Suvi Viranta, and Geraldine Werhahn
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21.3 Increased reproductive output of Danish red fox females following an outbreak of canine distemper
by Sussie Pagh, Mariann Chriél, Aksel Bo Madsen, Trine-Lee W. Jensen, Morten Elmeros, Tommy Asferg and Mette Sif Hansen
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21.1 Pampas foxes as prey of yellow anacondas
by Mario L. Chatellenaz, Gisela C. Müller and Gilberto A. Vallejos
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Volume 20
20.11 A roadmap to meaningful dingo conservation
by Benjamin L. Allen, Lee R. Allen, Guy Ballard, Stephen M. Jackson and Peter J.S. Fleming
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20.10 First ever record of a black-coloured maned wolf
by Guilherme Braga Ferreira, Cícero de Sá Barros, Ailton Barbosa da Costa, Tayane Silva Dias and Marcelo Juliano Rabelo Oliveira
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20.9 The golden jackal in Slovakia
by Marián Slamka, Peter Kaštier and Matej Schwarz
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20.8 Latency to first detection of kit foxes during camera surveys
by Tory L. Westall and Brian L. Cypher
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20.7 Return of the wolf to the Nyesyang Valley, Manang District, Nepal
by Rinzin Phunjok Lama, Tashi R. Ghale, Ganga Ram Regmi, Madan K. Suwal and Tenzing Lama
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20.6 Association between an Arabian wolf and a domestic dog in central Saudi Arabia
by Chris Barichievy, Shayne Clugston and Robert Sheldon
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20.5 Implications of teenagers’ attitudes toward maned wolf conservation in Brazil
by Adriana Consorte-McCrea, Dennis Nigbur and Alistair J. Bath
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20.4 Comment on “northeastern coyote/coywolf” taxonomy and admixture
by Tyler J. Wheeldon and Brent R. Patterson
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20.3 Distribution of the dhole in its northern range limits in the Western Ghats, India
by Girish A. Punjabi, Advait Edgaonkar, Arjun Srivathsa, Shrikar Ashtaputre and M. K. Rao
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20.1 Home range size of the dhole estimated from camera-trap surveys
by Arjun Srivathsa, N. Samba Kumar and K. Ullas Karanth
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Volume 19
19.5 Occupancy and range extension of the Cape fox in northern Botswana
by Lindsey N. Rich, Marcella J. Kelly, David A.W. Miller, J. Weldon McNutt and Hugh S. Robinson
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19.4 Distribution update for Tibetan fox in western Nepal
by Geraldine Werhahn, Naresh Kusi, Adarsh Man Sherchan, Dibesh Karmacharya and Helen Senn
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19.3 Highest elevation record for the crab-eating fox
by Sergio Escobar-Lasso, Julio Andrés Sierra-Giraldo, Margarita Gil-Fernández and Hansel Herrera
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19.2 Resource partitioning between black-backed jackal and brown hyaena in Waterberg Biosphere Reserve, South Africa
by Rivona Ramnanan, Michelle Thorn, Craig J. Tambling and Michael J. Somers
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19.1 Northeastern coyote/coywolf taxonomy and admixture: A meta-analysis
by Jonathan G. Way and William S. Lynn
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Volume 18
18.10 New records of bush dog in Panama
by Ninon Meyer, Ricardo Moreno, Samuel Valdes, Pedro Méndez-Carvajal, Elliot Brown and Josué Ortega
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18.8 Observations of pale and Rüppell’s fox from the Afar Desert, Ethiopia
by Vladimir Dinets, Matthias De Beenhouwer and Jon Hall
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18.6 Strategies for red wolf recovery and management: a response to Way (2014)
by Joseph W. Hinton, David R. Rabon Jr. and Michael J. Chamberlain
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18.5 DNA analysis confirms African wolf in Morocco
by Siân Waters, Ahmed El Harrad, Zouhair Amhaouch, Lahcen Taiqui and Helen Senn
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18.4 Notes on Blanford’s fox in Jabal Masuda, Jordan
by Ehab Eid, Thabit Al Share and Omar Aabed
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18.2 New record for bush dog in Amapá State, Eastern Brazilian Amazonia
by Lincoln J. Michalski, Tadeu G. de Oliveira and Fernanda Michalski
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18.1 Predation on a brown brocket by pampas foxes
by Mario L. Chatellenaz and Atilio E. Guzmán
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Volume 17
17.2 Strategies for red wolf recovery and management
by Jonathan G. Way
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17.1 Recent records and conservation issues affecting the African wild dog in the Kasigau Corridor, south-east Kenya
by Mwangi Githiru, Simon Kasaine, Dephence M. Mdamu and Bernard Amakobe
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Volume 16
16.7 Quantity and distribution of suitable habitat for endangered San Joaquin kit foxes: conservation implications
by Brian L. Cypher, Scott E. Phillips and Patrick A. Kelly
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16.6 Grey wolf in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan: distribution, abundance and persecution
by Fakhar-i-Abbas, Thomas P. Rooney and Afsar Mian
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16.3 Evidence of African wild dogs in the Central African Republic
by R. Hickisch and T. Aebischer
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16.2 First camera trap record of pack hunting dholes in Chitwan National Park, Nepal
by Kanchan Thapa, Marcella J. Kelly, Jhamak B. Karki and Naresh Subedi
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16.1 Northern extension of records of the crab-eating fox in Brazil
by Benoit de Thoisy, Micheline Vergara, Paulo Silvestro, Ivan Vasconcelos
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Volume 15
15.4 Camera trap records of dholes in Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand
by Kate E. Jenks, Nucharin Songsasen and Peter Leimgruber
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15.3 New records for bush dog in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
by Rodrigo Teribele et al.
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15.1 Status of the African wild dog in the Bénoué Complex, North Cameroon
by Barbara Croes, Gregory Rasmussen, Ralph Buiji and Hans de Iongh
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Volume 14
14.2 Hoary and crab-eating foxes in Brazil
by Lemos
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14.1 Bats and crab-eating foxes
by Novaes
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Volume 13
13.2 Estimating breeding pair densities of the Indian fox in Kutch, Gujarat, India
by Chandrima Home and Yadvendradev V. Jhala
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13.1 Arabian wolf distribution update from Saudi Arabia
by Peter L. Cunningham and Torsten Wronski
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Volume 12
12.4 Blanford’s fox in Saudi Arabia
by Peter L. Cunningham and Torsten Wronski
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12.3 Persecution of Rüppell’s fox in central Saudi Arabia
by Peter L. Cunningham
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Volume 11
11.1 Notes on the biology of the Tibetan fox
by Richard B. Harris, Wang Zhenghuan, Zhou Jiake and Liu Qunxiu
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Volume 10
10.3 Interference competition between the crab-eating fox and the hoary fox
by Frederico G. Lemos, Kátia G. Facure and Alan N. da Costa
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10.1 Rüppell’s foxes in Al Dhafra, United Arab Emirates
by James D. Murdoch et al.
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Volume 9
9.1 Translocating red wolves using a modified soft-release technique
by Scott R. McLellan and David R. Rabon, Jr
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Volume 8
8.3 Forest-dwelling African wild dogs in the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia
by Guy Dutson and Claudio Sillero-Zubiri
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Volume 7
7.7 Determining an effective and safe radio-tracking collar for bush dogs (Speothos venaticus)
by Karen E. DeMatteo and Christopher O. Kochanny
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7.5 Unidentified canid in the Danakil desert of Eritrea, Horn of Africa
by Jugal Tiwari and Claudio Sillero-Zubiri
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7.4 Sightings of African wild dogs Lycaon pictus in southeastern Kenya
by E. Kim McCreery and Robert L. Robbins
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7.2 Old-aged coyote in an urbanised landscape
by Jonathan G. Way and Eric G. Strauss
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7.1 Coyote kills harp seal
by Jonathan G. Way and Jay Horton
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Volume 6
6.3 An evaluation of three restraining devices for capturing pampas foxes
by Estela M. Luengos Vidal et al
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Volume 5
5.1 Canidae in the Sultanate of Oman
by Andrew Spalton
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Volume 4
4.1 Recent records of African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) from Ethiopia
by James R. Malcolm and Claudio Sillero-Zubiri
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Volume 3
Volume 2
Volume 1