Canids Specialist Group

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Canid Biology & Conservation

Recent Issues

28.1 First camera trap record of dholes in Banke National Park, Nepal
by Shyam K. Shah, Rabin Kadariya, Ajay Karki, Hem R. Acharya, Naresh Subedi, Kanchan Thapa, Bhagwan R. Dahal, Umesh Paudel and Rabin Bahadur
(pdf 192.76kb)
27.6 Rediscovering dholes in the Deccan Plateau, southern India
by Gubbi, S., Prabhu, K., Komarla, J., Suthar, S.
(pdf 556.37kb)
27.5 Observations on Indian wolves near the sea coast in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
by Dhawal B. Mehta, R. Dhanpal, Yadvendrasinh M. Jadeja, Pratik N. Joshi, Daksha H. Sorathiya, Rajan D. Jadav, Darshit K. Mesariya
(pdf 996.86kb)
27.3 New records of threatened canids in southwestern Atlantic Forest, Brazil
by Vania Foster, Carlos R. Brocardo, Rogério C. de Paula, Aline Kotz, Thiago Reginato, Jessica Dias, Ivan Baptiston, Marcelo Magioli, Yara Barros
(pdf 194.82kb)