Canids Specialist Group

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About Us

Working Groups

The main activities of the Canid Specialist Group include:

  • Compilation, synthesis and dissemination of canid related information through:
  1. Strategic Planning and resulting Action Plans 
  2. Canid Biology & Conservation, an electronic, peer-reviewed journal 
  3. Canids-L, a mailing list exclusively devoted to Canid biology and conservation
  • Maintenance of a database of current canid research and conservation projects.

  • Holding of regular meetings of CSG members alongside international conferences.

  • Serving as the IUCN Red List Authority for the Canidae, responsible to evaluate the category of threat of all canid species. 

The Chair of the CSG relies on advise from the membership-at-large, but relies on two Special Advisers, and a small group of Core Members, with whom he consults on specific issues.

The membership is involved in several Working Groups, depending on their particular expertise. These are:

African Wild Dog

Amazonian Canids

Arctic Fox



Ethiopian Wolf

Grey Wolf

Island, Kit & Swift Foxes

Maned Wolf

Red Wolf

Southern Cone Foxes

Disease & Epidemiology

 Taxonomy & Nomenclature

The CSG also has Contact Persons for the following issues:


Canid Genetics

Conservation Breeding

Reintroductions & Translocations