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ResourcesExploring human-dingo conflict and non-lethal approaches to dingo management

Summary: Contact between dingoes and humans is inevitable, and not always positive. Our ongoing research attempts to understand knowledge and attitude towards dingoes, as well as the conflict between dingoes and humans in urban environments (e.g. in tourist areas, townships and mining operations) and between dingoes and livestock (e.g. livestock depredation). Consultancy in this space includes work with state government wildlife agencies, local councils, mining operations and Indigenous Protected Areas Australia-wide. Examples of published work include determining the drivers of dingo management practices, historical and modern attitudes towards dingoes and their management, as well as discussion papers relating to the importance of, challenge and solutions to implementing non-lethal management. We actively seek ways to foster co-existence between humans and dingoes across all contexts- particularly the use of non-lethal approaches that help mitigate conflict. Published examples where we have developed and tested innovative methods of managing wild dingoes include aversive conditioning, hand-held deterrents, fladry, bio-boundaries (using scent and sound), and automated shepherds (inflatable moving human effigies). Several projects relating to understanding and mitigating conflict with dingoes remain active.

Researchers involved: Bradley Smith, Rob Appleby, Neil Jordan.

Links to project: Human-wildlife Co Existence Lab

Photo credit: Bradley Smith