Canids Specialist Group

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ResourcesPrograma de conservação mamíferos do cerrado

Left to right, back row: Ricardo C. Arrais (veterinarian co-coordinator), Frederico A. P. de Souza, Caio F. da Motta, Frederico G. Lemos (co-coordinator), Mozart C. de Freitas Jr., Alan N. da Costa, front row: Stacie M. Castelda, Fernanda C. de Azevedo (co-coordinator), Fabiana L. Rocha (veterinarian co-coordinator), Carolina Oliveira, Adriano Gambarini – Photo credit: Adriano Gambarini

Left to right, back row: Ricardo C. Arrais (veterinarian co-coordinator), Frederico A. P. de Souza, Caio F. da Motta, Frederico G. Lemos (co-coordinator), Mozart C. de Freitas Jr., Alan N. da Costa, front row: Stacie M. Castelda, Fernanda C. de Azevedo (co-coordinator), Fabiana L. Rocha (veterinarian co-coordinator), Carolina Oliveira, Adriano Gambarini– Photo credit: Adriano Gambarini


Programa de Conservação Mamíferos do Cerrado (PCMC) is a research group comprised of biologists, ecologists and veterinarians that study the ecological, epidemiological and genetic status of wild mammals in the Brazilian Savannah, targeting to promote their conservation.  Since 2009, PCMC efforts have been directed towards the conservation of wild canids and felids, particularly the hoary fox, the crab-eating fox, the maned wolf, and the puma (Puma concolor), in Goiás and Minas Gerais States of Brazil.  The group focused in areas that are substantially modified by agricultural exploitation but still harbor rich fauna and flora, although under high risks of disappearing.  PCMC members not only study species’ natural history, but also their relationship with the landscape and the conflicts generated by living in proximity to humans.  In 2013, PCMC held an ambitious 60-day capture campaign and are currently monitoring over 30 wild canids.  Since their establishment, PCMC has captured and collected data on 45 Hoary foxes, 80 crab-eating foxes, six maned wolves, and seven pumas.  PCMC is comprised of 13 subprojects carried by 25 researchers/collaborators, including species natural history, systematic surveys of regional fauna and road kills on highways and railroads, search for parasites, stress and conflict evaluation, and genetic analyses.  PCMC has partnered with and/or received support from the following institutions: Universidade Federal de Goiás/Campus Catalão, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia/LABIX & LAPAS, Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Mamíferos Carnívoros/ICMBio, Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo, LabTrip/Instituto Osvaldo Cruz, LabBMC/Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo/LDH,  Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Idea Wild, Neotropical Grassland Conservancy, Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, and Consórcio Capim Branco de Energia. 


Stacie Castelda – George Mason University and Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, USA

Nucharin Songsasen - Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, USA
